OK, so my fees for individual treatment vary, depends on what we are doing.
Patients who are on Suboxone treatment for Opioid Use Disorder pay $250 for their first visit, which is usually accomplished within 90 minutes, and then they have to come back every month and the fee is $150/month. The monthly visits are around 45 minutes long and the fee includes the Urine Drug Test, and a Urine specimen is required at every visit. Some people prefer to come more often, such as every 3 weeks, every 2 weeks, or every 10 days or so, and this can vary depending on "what's going on in their lives at that time."
Patients who come for Alcohol Use Disorder treatment pay $150 per visit, and most visits are about 45 minutes. Most patients are prescribed medications, although some choose to work without medications. Some AUD patients only come 1-3 times, and try out medication-assisted treatment for AUD, and the meds either help or they don't, Some AUD patients such as persons with AUD with dependence, severe, prefer to come back every 1-2 weeks during challenging times such as after hospitalizations when they are re-learning how to live in the community sober.
Patients with PTSD or challenging relationships not uncommonly ask to be seen every 2 weeks or so they can keep their learning going.
Anytime a patient requests my professional time additional to the above, is charged at the $150 hourly rate. In the past, this has included Holiday Weekend Assistance x 2 hours (including texting), A special appointment with girlfriend x 2 hours, a 5 hour Private Seminar on Alcohol Use Treatment, Etc.
So that will give you some idea of my average charges. I do not accept insurance, but I do give patients summary statements which they can send in to their insurance carriers, and some may give reimbursement.